Inside Look at Symbotic, Inc. (SYM): PRISM Emerging NextGen Tech Index’s Largest YTD Gainer, Up ~220%

Symbotic, Inc. (SYM) is the current YTD leader in the PRISM Emerging NextGen Tech Index. The company is currently up ~220% on the year and is trading around $37 per share. This price falls between its 52-week range of $8.75 – $64.14 which may indicate the increased potential for it to grow its YTD return over time. Additionally, the company touts a $21.1Bn market cap and a 3-month average trading volume of ~1.0M shares.

The NextGen Tech index YTD leader Symbotic, is a is a dynamic and innovative technology company specializing in developing cutting-edge solutions at the intersection of AI, data science, and software engineering that is changing the way consumer goods move, through the supply chain. Its range of services and products, empower businesses to thrive in the digital age. Their expertise spans machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and data analytics, enabling delivery of customized solutions for diverse industries.

Their ability to reinvent warehouse automation to increase efficiency, speed, and flexibility has recently caught the attention of some larger players as they recently joined forces with investment holding company, Softbank and the largest retail chain, Walmart (WMT). Additionally, they have gained attention from other major retailers such as Target (TGT) and Albertsons (ACI). If these partnerships can prove to be successful, this could open the door for Symbiotic to secure more business and grow its network of partners who are looking for increased supply chain optimization.

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Inside Look at Symbotic, Inc. (SYM): PRISM Emerging NextGen Tech Index’s Largest YTD Gainer, Up ~220%

Ashlee Vogenthaler

Markets Editor