Ticker | Current Price | % Daily Change | Volume (1,000s) | Average Volumn (1,000s) | Market Cap (Millions) | 1/2/2024 Price | % Change Since Inception 1/2/2024 |
NOTE | $1.25 | 20.192% | 9,074 | 1,194 | $171 | $1.05 | 19.0% |
Our Mission: To empower organizations with critical insights and the tools to turn them into action.
FiscalNote (NYSE: NOTE) is a leader in policy and global intelligence. By uniquely combining data, technology, and insights, FiscalNote empowers customers with critical insights and the tools to turn them into action.
Home to CQ, FrontierView, Oxford Analytica, VoterVoice, and many other industry-leading brands, FiscalNote helps organizations stay ahead of political and business risk.