Fennec Pharmaceuticals Inc.

TickerCurrent Price% Daily ChangeVolume (1,000s)Average Volumn (1,000s)Market Cap (Millions)1/2/2024 Price% Change Since Inception 1/2/2024

Contact Information

68 TW Alexander Drive
PO Box 13628
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
United States

We are fiercely devoted to the fight against ototoxicity in pediatric cancer patients who receive cisplatin-based chemotherapy.

Young children are especially vulnerable to the ototoxic effects of cisplatin-based chemotherapy because their ears are still developing. The impact of ototoxicity may be permanent, severe, and profound—with the potential to significantly impair cognitive performance and the development of social and language skills.1

We are committed to sparing children further hardship and protecting their ears against the profound threat of cisplatin-induced ototoxicity.