Investors PRISM Stock Indexes
The PRISM stock indexes track small-cap and micro-cap companies across a diverse spectrum of innovative industries including life sciences, medical devices, diagnostics, genomics, biotechnology, and the digital economy. The PRISM Emerging Stock Indexes include MedDiagnostics, MedDevices, Vaccines & Cell Therapy, Gene Therapy, Pet Care & AgriBiz, New Economy, and MedCannabis.
The PRISM Emerging MedDiagnostics Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which are developing or marketing any type of lab-based or medical diagnostic test.
The PRISM Emerging MedDevices Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which are developing or marketing any type of medical device.
The PRISM Emerging Gene Therapy Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which are developing or marketing treatments that are gene-based or otherwise target genetic material.
The PRISM Emerging MedCannabis Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which produce, market, or distribute cannabis-based products or related services with a focus on medical applications.
The PRISM Emerging Pet Care & AgriBiz Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which market products or services related to pet or animal care, agriculture, horticulture, veterinary services, and pet insurance.
The PRISM Emerging New Economy Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which market products or services related to online retail, e-commerce, gaming, cyber security, social media/networking, information technology, organic/plant-based foods, and clean/renewable energy.
The PRISM Emerging Vaccines & Cell Therapy Index tracks small/micro-cap stocks which are developing or marketing vaccines and cell or plasma-based therapeutics.