Ticker | Current Price | % Daily Change | Volume (1,000s) | Average Volumn (1,000s) | Market Cap (Millions) | 1/2/2024 Price | % Change Since Inception 1/2/2024 |
PBM | $1.70 | -7.609% | 96 | 2,471 | $6 | $9.98 | -83.0% |
Psyence Biomedical Ltd. Common Shares
121 Richmond Street West, Penthouse Suite, 1300, Toronto ON M5H2K1, Canada
Psyence Biomed Ltd., is a pharmaceutical life science biotechnology company traded on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ:PBM), with a focus on botanical psychedelics. Psyence Biomed is the first Nasdaq-traded nature-derived psilocybin biopharma in the world. The name “Psyence” combines the words “psychedelics” and “science” to affirm our commitment to an evidence-based approach to innovative biopharma. Patient-centered, our physician-led company is led by R+D leader CEO Dr. Neil Maresky, MD, who while working at the intersection of medicine, commerce, and medicine has brought some 50 medicines to market at AstraZeneca, Wyeth, Bayer, and elsewhere. Psyence Biomed is working to develop an FDA-approved pharmaceutical botanical psilocybin for the treatment of oncology patients diagnosed with Adjustment Disorder in a palliative care context to treat psychosocial distress. Our Phase IIb trials have received ethics approval and begin enrolling patients in this quarter.