Ticker | Current Price | % Daily Change | Volume (1,000s) | Average Volumn (1,000s) | Market Cap (Millions) | 1/2/2024 Price | % Change Since Inception 1/2/2024 |
LUMO | $4.34 | 0% | 391 | 103 | $38 | $3.22 | 34.8% |
Lumos Pharma, Inc.
4200 Marathon Boulevard
Suite 200
Austin, TX 78756
United States
Lumos Pharma is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company whose mission is to develop new therapies for people with rare diseases, prioritizing its focus where the medical need is high, and the pathophysiology is clear. We are committed to this mission and a strategy that is grounded upon time and cost-efficient drug development to deliver safe and effective therapies to patients.
Lumos Pharma’s clinical development program will initially focus on its lead product candidate LUM-201, an oral growth hormone stimulating therapeutic in clinical development for the treatment of Pediatric Growth Hormone Deficiency (PGHD). If approved by the FDA, LUM-201 would provide an alternative to the injections that current PGHD patients endure for many years of treatment.
As a key component of our mission, Lumos Pharma is actively seeking strategic partnerships to expand its portfolio of rare disease therapeutic candidates. We leverage our experience, knowledge, and stakeholder collaborations to identify and acquire or in-license novel products for development and commercialization. Driven by a sense of commitment to patients, their families, and the broader community impacted by rare diseases, we seek to be a leading provider of innovative medications that address a multitude of rare diseases.