Ticker | Current Price | % Daily Change | Volume (1,000s) | Average Volumn (1,000s) | Market Cap (Millions) | 1/2/2024 Price | % Change Since Inception 1/2/2024 |
NAOV | $0.52 | -5.591% | 280 | 1,462 | $2 | $1.15 | -55.2% |
NanoVibronix, Inc.
525 Executive Boulevard
Elmsford, NY 10523
United States
NanoVibronix Inc. is a medical device company that is focused on creating medical products utilizing its proprietary low intensity acoustic technology.
The company’s patented technology allows for creation of miniature transducers that transmit low-frequency, low-intensity ultrasound through flexible material surfaces. This unique development may be utilized for a variety of medical requiring low cost therapeutic ultrasound applications.
The company’s patch based product diagnosis, PainShield®, carries an FDA clearance. NanoVibronix catheter based products include the CathbotTM .