Ticker | Current Price | % Daily Change | Volume (1,000s) | Average Volumn (1,000s) | Market Cap (Millions) | 1/2/2024 Price | % Change Since Inception 1/2/2024 |
DXR | $8.22 | 2.583% | 14 | 17 | $40 | $9.50 | -13.5% |
Daxor Corporation – 107 Meco Lane, Oak Ridge, TN, 37830
Daxor Corporation is the global leader in blood volume measurement technology focused on blood volume testing innovation. We developed and market the BVA-100® (Blood Volume Analyzer), the first diagnostic blood test cleared by the FDA to provide safe, accurate, objective quantification of blood volume status and composition compared to patient-specific norms for use in a broad range of medical and surgical conditions.