Why Soligenix Shares Jumped 10% Yesterday

After the news that it received a U.S. patent allowance for its vaccine platform, Soligenix (Nasdaq:SNGX) shares recorded a double-digit jump of 10% yesterday. The late-stage biopharma focused on developing and commercializing products to treat rare diseases reported that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a Notice of Allowance for its patent application, “Compositions and Methods of Manufacturing Trivalent Filovirus Vaccines.”
The vaccine platform, which has been successfully applied to filovirus vaccines and a SARS-CoV-S vaccine, includes thermostabilized Ebola vaccines. Previously, filovirus vaccines were shown to protect non-human primates from subsequent infection—the only vaccines of their kind to demonstrate efficacy against Zaire ebolavirus and other filoviruses in non-human primates. Filoviruses remain some of the most lethal viruses and are endemic in many areas of the world where power supply and distribution are a challenge, highlighting the importance of a thermostabilized vaccine platform that is not constrained by traditional cold chain logistics.
Filoviruses are also one of the virus families identified as having the ability to cause pandemics. As the U.S. government continues to advance its investment in pandemic preparedness, it remains focused on the ability to rapidly make vaccines effective against any virus family.
“Availability of a single-vial, heat-stable vaccine would significantly enhance global public health preparedness or response to a new outbreak at its source,” said Dr. Axel Lehrer, Associate Professor, Department of Tropical Medicine, Medical Microbiology and Pharmacology, John A. Burns School of Medicine, University of Hawaiʽi at Mānoa, in response to the news. “Our work to date has demonstrated the feasibility of rapid and efficient manufacturing, as well as the ability to thermostabilize multiple antigens that can then be stored at temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Having a vaccine platform such as this available has the potential to accelerate worldwide vaccination campaigns addressing future health emergencies, including other global pandemics as seen with COVID-19.”
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