Lexaria Oral Nicotine Study Begins Dosing

Lexaria Bioscience, (Nasdaq: LEXX) has begun dosing subjects in an oral nicotine study that will compare DehydraTECH-nicotine pouch performance to existing leading brands ON!, manufactured by Altria, and Zyn, manufactured by Swedish Match.


  • Lexaria’s study is a 36-person human pharmacokinetic randomized, double blinded, cross-over study conducted in current cigarette smokers.
  • Each volunteer will visit the laboratory three times to be dosed.
  • Dosing will evaluate DehydraTECH-nicotine; On! brand manufactured by Altria; or Zyn brand manufactured by Swedish Match.
  • In March 2022, Lexaria received its first ever patent granted to use DehydraTECH to more efficiently deliver nicotine through buccal tissue absorption.
  • The study is fully funded from internal company resources.

The oral nicotine pouch category is one of the fastest growing segments of the nicotine industry due to their status as modified risk tobacco products. The global market for the oral nicotine pouch category is expected to reach $21.84 billion in 2027.


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