Applied DNA Sciences (APDN) Jumps 32% In Strong Day For PRISM Vaccines and Cell Therapy Index

Applied DNA Sciences (APDN) jumped 32%, surging very quickly at around 11:30 AM EST. It is unclear exactly why APDN surged in that moment as there were no new press releases.

The latest press release is two weeks ago, when APDN released full-year 2022 earnings, beating EPS expectations, but with lagging revenues.

The large gains come alongside a strong day for the PRISM Vaccines and Cell Therapy Index, which rose 3.2% for the day, leading all PRISM Indexes. This is largely due to APDN, but also TFF Pharmaceuticals (TFFP) which rose 25% for the day.

About Applied DNA Sciences

Applied DNA Sciences is a biotechnology company developing technologies to produce and detect deoxyribonucleic acid (“DNA”). Using PCR to enable both the production and detection of DNA, we operate in three primary business markets: (i) the manufacture of DNA for use in nucleic acid-based therapeutics; (ii) the detection of DNA in molecular diagnostics testing services; and (iii) the manufacture and detection of DNA for industrial supply chain security services.

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The Company’s common stock is listed on NASDAQ under the ticker symbol ‘APDN,’ and its publicly traded warrants are listed on OTC under the ticker symbol ‘APPDW.’

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